XML basics
To start my blogging with what ever little I know here is some basic stuff for beginners of XML. I have worked almost more than 4 years with XML and related technologies. It was really a cool stuff I found it to be handy, flexible and standard stuff. To start with XML I want to tell you something, XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language . As the name indicates it is an open standard that can grow and is defined by markups. Here it comes some common points to remember when you do your XML Defining an XML File :XML is a very easy language to use and maintain. There are just a few steps to follow to successfully make an XML file. The first thing to do is do define the document as an XML file. An XML file doesn't have to end in a .xml entension, all it needs is the first line to be <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Closing and Opening Tags :It is safe to say that that the line above is the only thing in XML that doesn't need a closing tag. Unlike HT...