
Showing posts from 2017

Java 9 New Tools Notes

List of new command-line tools part of jdk-9: Tool Notes Link jaotc Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation to boost the start-up time of small and large Java applications, with at most a limited impact on peak performance, jcontrol The Java Control Panel is used to control how Java and JavaFX applications that are embedded in a browser or are launched from a browser run on your computer. jdeprscan You use the jdeprscan tool as a static analysis tool that scans a jar file (or some other aggregation of class files) for uses of deprecated API elements. jhsdb You use the jhsdb tool to attach to a Java process or to launch a postmortem debugger to analyze the content of a core-dump from a crashed Java Virtual Machine (JVM). https...

Yarn and Angular-CLI

Background I have been thinking of a faster package management tool ever since I started using NPM (Node Package Manager). Please don’t mistake me having anything against NPM. I still love this package manager and I very much love the rich command-line that it came with. When it was created, it was really the leader and because of this NPM the whole JS world has seen a revolution. NPM surly was the spark to the revolution in the JS (Java Script) world. To make it clear for everyone why we needed a new package manager is because of the following challenges that we had with NPM, 1.      The Nested dependencies that was sometimes going in infinity loops. At times, it was impossible to delete files on the PC as the paths were too nested. 2.      Everything on the world had to depend on only one registry. 3.      Single threaded installation. The installation of the dependencies are single thre...