PWA: Building and publishing a PWA in 15ish minutes using Angular 5 and Service Worker
Introduction Here is an express start to your first PWA with service workers and a 100% score from lighthouse. I have taken it as a challenge to be able to present it to you so that you may be able to put your first pwa "hello world" app in 15ish minutes. What is PWA? Progressive web apps (PWAs) take traditional web sites/applications — with all of the advantages the web brings — and add a number of features that give them many of the user experience advantages of native apps. This set of docs tells you all you need to know. - Source: If the above definition sounds interesting, then this is to get you kickstarted with PWA using Angular 5 and inspire you to build more PWAs. End of this post you should be able to build, host and publish a PWA and get motivated to read more about it. Ever since I read about PWAs It has intrested me like crazy. Before, you get excited about PWA, please look into the supported brow...